Bishop Ward High School publishes AfterWard, a newsletter for friends and alumni of Bishop Ward, three times a year.
Get on the List
If you would like to be added to the AfterWard mailing list, please contact the Bishop Ward Development Office at 913.371.6901.
Contact the Editor
Have a good story idea or information you want to share in AfterWard? Contact the AfterWard editor Kerry Stein at 913.229.3819 or at kstein@wardhigh.org
The AfterWard is saved in Adobe Acrobat. If you have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer you can open and print your own copy of The Afterward. NOTE: Some computers will download the file, some will try to open on screen. If your screen appears to not be doing anything, it means Acrobat is trying to open the file. Be patient. Opening an Afterward edition can take a while. Each issue is about 1MB in size.